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Boxing Gloves

Client Testimonials

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Testimonials: Testimonials

"Jiawei has been instrumental in advancing my boxing skills and technique. Within the space of a couple of months, he has helped me to progress from a HIIT boxer, into an entry-level sparrer.

Consistency has been an important part of my journey, and I have come away from every session having learned an applicable technique. He is committed and hardworking to scheduling our personal training sessions to best meet my timings, and is always early to arrive.

More importantly, Jiawei's international experience has been key to understanding the mentality and thought-processes required for high-level boxing. He has taught me that it is so much more than just punching and dodging, which he has been able to describe in a digestible and succinct manner - a skill which few personal trainers have; let alone for boxing."

- Marc T

"I got to know Jiawei through a friend of mine, who is training with him. I saw her training video clip on IG and was impressed by how well-versed she is, in boxing.

I trained in classes before but really wanted a coach to do that one-on-one trainings with so I can also spar with a person rather than a bag :D and to get my techniques right. Jiawei makes the sessions enjoyable, and he is friendly and humble even though he is an accomplished and competitive boxer.

I have to say, I really enjoyed my lessons, most importantly my form has also improved. I would not hesitate to recommend Jiawei to my friend if they are looking to take up boxing."

- Glenda

"Learning to box with Jia Wei has been a very fun journey! I am a total newbie but he has managed to help me improve common mistakes while being patient, observant, and fun!

He comes in each session with specific skills and goals for me to learn, but also flexible to modify the training if necessary. His instructions are always clear, and easily understood when giving feedback.

He’s young but quite knowledgeable and experienced for his sport. I always appreciate when he sends me tips and videos to reinforce my learning. His passion for boxing makes him a great coach as well."

- Patty

"There are a lot of studies to showcase the need to have regular exercise for both mental and physical health.

I wanted to be pushed a little harder than I was pushing myself so I signed up with Jiawei. His Boxing training is an excellent form of exercise.

The cardio work is obvious but there are other benefits. Due to the coordination work, one has to focus and develop a rhythm and flow which is good for one's mental health and the training has helped me drastically with that. The physical strength training in the sessions has also been able to strengthen my core muscle and correct my posture."

- Michelle

"I wanted to pick up boxing to simultaneously learn something new, improve fitness, but also help with stress relief.

Jia Wei was referred by another friend. I've found him to be knowledgeable in this boxing (representing Singapore in boxing is a big credibility booster), but he is also able to create sessions that are fun and engaging. He also listens to what the client wants and adjusts the sessions accordingly.

Besides better overall fitness, I'm also better able to be mentally present and focused."

- JJ

"I’ve been going to boxing fitness classes on and off for the past 3 years and really enjoyed it to let out unwanted energy but also stay fit. I started to feel that I was stagnating in terms of my progress and wanted to keep learning and improve my technique which is hard to do in boxing fitness classes where the emphasis is on fitness as opposed to boxing. 

Jia Wei was the instructor in one of the first boxing fitness classes I went to when I moved to Singapore. I’ve had various instructors before but found his classes most engaging and he always took the time to correct my technique, offer advice or answer any questions. On top of this, the fact that he was a previous national boxer gave me a lot of confidence that I could learn a lot. From our personal training sessions, I’ve found him to be a patient teacher, able to have a laugh but most importantly challenged me to learn new things and push my limits. 

I previously struggled to stay mentally relaxed when boxing which makes me physically tense, and I often forget to breathe. I also wanted to work on correcting my posture and improve my core strength. Jia Wei recognized this early on in our sessions and each week has worked with me to try different exercises to improve these. I’ve actively been doing the exercises/activities outside of my sessions with him as well. I’ve noticed a significant improvement and overall feeling good mentally and physically."

- Anna L

I had been doing STILL Boxing on & off for a year and one day Jia Wei decided to bring out his pads. To my surprise, I couldn’t hit them 😂 I felt like such an idiot and got challenged to learn.

The plan was just 10 sessions to get a bit better and bring the learning back to STILL for a better workout. I realized it wasn’t enough and said okay, just 1 more set. And then 1 more. And then 100 sessions more and probably more to come. Learning can be very addicting especially when you see & feel yourself improve; and sessions with Jia Wei certainly does that.

Although I have way further to go to even attempt a hard spar, I have seen a lot of improvements in the way my body moves & reacts. JiaWei’s program has also helped in forming good muscle memory along side with working on removing the bad habits.

I’m a slow learner but always happy to put the work in. JiaWei is a patient instructor and always happy to put the work in with me. Makes for a good combination… I think. 😆

I’m also grateful to have gained a friend in the process.

- Kathy Nubla

“Jiawei is extremely passionate about his craft and whether you are looking to pick up or improve your boxing technique or just to build on your general fitness, he can tailor a workout to suit your needs. With the right balance of boxing technique and strength and conditioning work, it makes for a fun yet challenging workout every time! Definitely enjoy my sessions every week!”

- Celine Khoo

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